Saturday, July 19, 2014



These images were inspired by studying Jyotish from instructors such as Sam Sadasiva Geppi, Astrology KRS Kapiel Raaj, as well as text books such as, 'Vedic Astrology, An Integrated Approach' by P.V.R. Narasimha Rao and 'New Dimension In Vedic Occultism, A Treatise in Vedanga Jyotisha' by Bepin Behari. These images were made using Adobe Illustrator CS5.

  1. The top most image shows the rasis colored by ruler with 4 pada division grid atop.
  2. The following image depicts the Nakshatra names with sequential sets from 1through 9, 10 through 18 and 19 through 27 with a gradient implying the shift from one rasi to the next rasi within a Nakshatra.
  3. This next picture shows lines to suggest the rasi element as either Fire 'Dharma' truth, Earth 'Artha' wealth, Air 'Kama' desire, or Water 'Moksha' liberation, 3 times as personal, others & universal.
  4. Then there is a table with the Graha's glyphs located in the slots located respectively to Nakshatra ruler, namely, 1 Ashwini, 10 Magha & 19 Mula all ruled by Ketu, 2 Bharani, 11 Purva Phalguni & 20 Purva Ashadha all ruled by Shukla, Venus and so on through Surya, Chandra, Mangal, Rahu, Guru, Shani & Buddhi. This pattern primarily compelled me to generate these tables because of the obvious pattern that appears as corresponding with the Vimshottari Dasa planetary period sequence.
  5. Lastly, this table describes the degrees of a rasi a Nakshatra occupies with the Nakshatra lord glyph. Mangal, Mars, ruling all the Nakshatras that occupy two rasis equally 50% earth 50% air. The two rajasic grahas, Shukla Venus & Buddhi Mercury as well as tamasic grahas Shani Saturn, Rahu and Ketu, as well as a sattvic graha Chandra Moon, all completely submerged within a rasi, leaving the other two sattvic grahas Guru Jupiter and Surya Sun ruling a Nakshatra that occupies partial rasis, Surya 25% fire & 75% Earth, Guru 75% air & 25% water.

Further informational links are available at

If there are any errors noticed or questions that arrive upon viewing these tables, I would be very happy to hear from you. My intention here is to offer images that highlight patterns on these constellations and groupings to aid the learning of Jyotish, science of light. Thank you for your time.

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